Created by: Karen Wong, Preston Garcia, Yongxin Yang, Tony Long
The Problem There isn’t a dedicated website for UH specific reviews, for example, ratemyprofessor doesn’t come off as personalized or “peer reviewed” because it doesn’t really have profiles of people.
The Solution Create an interactive rating website for events and professors only for UH manoa students for relevant reviews.
A user would create a profile using their UH manoa emails to post reviews for certain classes/professors they’ve taken. Users do not need to login to view the reviews however.
For the community board, where people can post upcoming local events, they do not need to login to post events.
Some of these pages include:
1) Landing page (information about the site).
2) Community event page (lets people post events w/o logging in).
3) Class review page (login required to post).
4) Professor review page (login required to post).
5) Sign in/Sign up page.
6) Admin page.
The completed page might not need to implement all the above pages, but the end should be:
1) Upon opening website, shows the information, review page, community events and login.
2) User able to sign in or create an account.
3) Admin able to login and edit posts.
Some more advanced ideas include:
1) Searching in each page via search bar or alphabetical lists.
2) Starred ratings as opposed to numeric ratings for classes and professors.
3) Users able to flag reviews for the admin to delete.
4) Like reviews.