An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a combinational digital circuit that performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on integer binary numbers. My ALU takes in two 3-bit inputs in binary and performs different calculations based on what switches you set it to. Some operations it can perform are adding with a carry, multiply input by 2, and xor operations.
Here are some illustrations on the functions.
To do this project, I had to learn how to operate logic works, an interactive circuit design program to build and run different types of circuits. I also had to learn how to use a few hardware description languages (HDL) such as Verilog and VHDL. Personally, after doing this project, I would much rather use Verilog over VHDL because of how much easier it is to create a ‘testbench’ for the ‘logic gates’. Overall it was a fun project and got me to do something out of my comfort zone.
Check it out here! –> Source: tony/arithmetic-logic-unit