After learning about semantic ui and applying it in small test cases, I decided to try and remake some websites to better understand how powerful semantic is. Semantic was the first framework I learned and it was extremely eye opening. Before semantic, I was hard coding webpages with basic html/css/javascript and it was extremely hard to make a professional looking website. In this project I opted to remake laulima. After learning about semantic I started learning how to use react. React was very intimidating at first but after combining react with semantic I started to understand how helpful the react module can be. It simplified webpages, instead of using classes, we would import the element instead. It was also really cool how you can build a webpage without the need of an html page. Moving on from react, my next lesson was using meteor which combined both semantic ui and react together to create a more interactive and simple webpage. Meteor really felt like the glue that binds it all together. At first meteor was difficult to wrap my mind around, but after hours of tutorials and reimplementing my webpage, I finally got it down. Overall, this project was a very fun and eye opening learning experience!
You an check out my Semantic webpage here –> Source: tony/semantic
You an check out my React + Semantic webpage here –> Source: tony/react
You an check out my Meteor + React + Semantic webpage here –> Source: tony/meteor